Santa Fe Brewing Company is the oldest brewery in New Mexico. Because of that, the spirit and culture of Santa Fe and the Southwest has become engrained in the brand. They’re creative. They’re independent. They’re inventive. And they’re a little bit quirky.
FEATURED IN: Thrillist.com | Adweek | OhBeautifulBeer.com

Santa Fe Brewing's Website had aged passed its original "Drink By" date. So it was time to make a site that mimicked the brewery's growing footprint in the craft beer landscape. We kept the attitude, updated the look and made it responsive. It's packed with information about the beers, the brewery and the all the characters that work there.

The majority of Santa Fe beers are sold in cans. The Los Innovadores series is an exception. These are limited, barrel-aged sours for advanced beer nerds that require unique packaging. Inspired from small 20th century European distilleries and the small nature of the individual batches, the labels are just as over-the-top as the finely crafted beer. They are embossed, hand stamped, hand dated, and signed by the bottler. Prost!