Have you ever received an offer to trade in your keys for a new car model while also lowering your payment? If so, then congratulations. You’ve met AutoAlert. AutoAlert creates software products that help auto dealerships create leads, run more efficiently, communicate more effectively and ultimately, sell more vehicles.

AutoAlert needed a campaign that would make it easy for dealerships to understand how all of their products work together to create the industry’s first Customer Experience Management platform—or CXM. So, we created the Q and A campaign. This question and answer format gave AutoAlert a device that they could use across all channels that positions them as the “answer” for issues that auto dealerships might be facing.

AutoAlert is constantly innovating and creating new products to help dealerships future-proof their businesses. The Q and A campaign gave them a flexible format that they could use across all channels, from videos to social media to trade shows to sales materials.

How do you explain something as serious as CXM? You write a video script starring the craziest mofo you can find and turn him lose.
Still not enough?
We did a few other print campaigns that you can see over in The Kitchen Sink.
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